WP Mini-Conference on March 4th!

An Invitation from the Professional Development Committee (PDC)

Writing Program Mini-Conference: Recycled Papers (PDF version)

March 4, 2022 (on Zoom)

WHAT: If you are presenting at CCCC in 2022, or if you gave a writing-related talk/presentation in the last few years, please participate in the Writing Program Mini-Conference! We invite recent-ish presentations/papers, such as those from CCCC, Young Rhetoricians, campus presentations focused on writing, etc. There will be time for discussion. 

WHEN: Our plan is to start at 10am on March 4, and we’ll determine the end-time when we see how many folks want to participate. We’ll send a schedule, and like a regular conference, folks are welcome to come to some talks/presentations and not others. 

WHY: We all do a lot of great work, but sometimes, we don’t get to share it with each other. This is a chance to share what we’re doing in a very low effort (but Biobib-able) free event. For this mini-conference, presenters do not need to edit their presentations – presenters can begin by providing context for the presentation’s original/intended audience if needed.

HOW: If you have an existing presentation to share with your colleagues, please complete this Google Form, which asks for: 

  • the presentation/talk title
  • a very short description of presentation/talk 
  • the original/intended audience and year 
  • presentation/talk length 
  • availability on March 4 

ACCESS: We welcome active and passive participation from audience members. If you are presenting, prepare to share your notes, outline, and/or text of your talk. Also, prepare to share links to slides or handouts. If you need accommodations for this event, please contact avidali@ucsc.edu with what you need. (Disclosing why you need this accommodation is not required.)

This is a single frame of the Head and Heart comic, which features a brightly drawn brain (with arms and legs) and heart (with arms, legs, eyes). The brain says, "I have a confession...Sometimes I avoid learning new things because I'm so afraid of acknowledging how little I really know. Heart says, "I also have a confession...I am super awesome and I couldn't be less awesome if I tried..."

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